
Showing posts from October 9, 2016

Shades of Joy

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From June 25 to July 4, we'll be examining — and at times, celebrating — all things American made, from the state of U.S. apparel manufacturing to American-born models on the rise. You can follow all of our coverage  here . When it comes to sales, Europe’s leading fast fashion brands have the American competition almost wholly beat — Oregon-based  Nike  excepted. With nearly $31 billion in annual sales, driven by the unprecedented growth of the activewear market, and Nike's own strong branding and global product offering, not even H&M, which brought in around $22 billion last year, is close to topping it. Nor are America's other apparel brands, the largest of which,  Ralph Lauren , generated $7.6 billion in 2014. Because it’s almost America’s birthday, we decided to compile a list of the biggest U.S. apparel brands according to sales, which you can see below. As we mentioned, Nike came out on top by a large margin, followed by leading lifestyle brand Ralph Lauren. Fo

10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques

1. Add Contrast  Link Sadly, adding extra contrast is one of the most overlooked and under-used techniques. Joost de Valk  makes great use of thin, high-contrast lines that make it easy for the user to distinguish between different section of the page. In the enlarged portion of the above screenshot, you can see that most of the time this contrast is just a lightly colored 1-pixel line next to a dark 1-pixel line. On the other hand, the “More” and “Go”buttons on his home page have so little contrast that they’re easy to miss even when you’re looking for them. WordPress  uses color to add contrast to its most popular link, “Download.” The red stands out among the calm palette of blues and grays but isn’t so bright that it hurts to look at it. If you’re in doubt about whether you need more contrast, think of it a bit like applying makeup, strangely. The idea is not to get people to say, “Hey, look! Contrast!” You want to naturally draw their attention to important items on the pag

Monogram Peace Designs

Posted via Blogaway